R134a pt chart pdf. Saturation PressureTemperature Data for R134a psig. r134a pt chart celsius Red Italics Indicate Inches of Mercury Below Atmospheric Pressure. R134a Liquid Vapor Liquid Vapor Liquid Vapor Temperature Pressure Density Density Enthalpy Enthalpy Entropy Entropy. PRESSURE VACUUM EQUIVALENTS Absolute Pressure Vacuum Below Apporiximate Vaporization above zero base one atmosphere fraction of Temperature microns PSIA mm Hg inches. R134a Pressure Temperature Chart R134a Temperature (C) Pressure (barA) Pressure (barg) R134a Pressure Temperature Chart 14 4. 43 Title: Temperature Pressure Chart for R22, R410A, R407C, R134A and R404A Refrigerants Author: Advantage Engineering, Inc Created Date: 3: 31: 12 PM PROFESSIONAL R134a MANIFOLD GAUGE SET PART# WARNING Wear Safety Goggles R134a TEMPERATURE PRESSURE CHART Ambient Temp (F) Low Side Gauge High Side Gauge as R134a, boiling temperature Pressure Temperature Chart 4 Fluke Corporation Troubleshooting HVACR systems using refrigerant superheat and subcooling this information has been fully checked for accuracy but is a guide only contact realcold staff for more information temp oc r12 r134a sp34e r409a r22 r410a r419a. Refrigerants and Specialities Werner vonSiemens Str 18 D Wuerzburg Phone: 49 931 2093 155 Fax: 49 931 2093 180. Refrigerant pt chart pdf Press. Refrigerant Pressure wordpress Includes a Pressure Temperature Chart. Refrigerant R134a or HFC134a was developed to meet these needs. REFRIGERANT TEMPERATUREPRESSURE CHART MOSTLY COMPUTER GENERATED FROM NIST REFPROP V5. 10 Pressure FR12 Bub Frigc FR12 R134a. This R134a refigerant calculator determines the gas pressure based on temperature of R134a refrigerant. Includes a Pressure Temperature Chart PressureTemperature Guide Key: Green (in of Hg) Vacuum 134a (R134a) Opteon XP10 (R513A) Freon MO49 Plus (R437A) Freon 507 (R507A) Freon 1 PRESSURETEMPERATURE CHART Saturated ConditionsPressure (psig) Suva Suva FF reon Suva Suva Suva 410A 507 Suva 22 123 134a HP62 (9100) (AZ50)9 5 C R134a System Pressure Chart. Ask the pro Call us toll free: Worked Like a Champ. Saturation PressureTemperature Data for R134a (psig) Red Italics Indicate Inches of Mercury Below Atmospheric Pressure. Refrigerant Pressure Temperature Table Hansen Technologies Corporation F R717 R22 R134a R404a R507 Temp psig psig psig psig psig60 18. Note: The only difference between R404A R507 is R404A has 4 of R134A added (for patent reasons) R408A HCFC: Yes Pressure Temperature Conversion Charts. REFRIGERANT (SPORLAN CODE) 22 (V) 134a (J) 401A (X) 410A (Z) 507 (P) 717 (A) PRESSURETEMPERATURE CHART at Altitude 5, 000 feet above Sea Level BUBBLE POINT 50 rowsHFC134a. Pressure: Temperature: Pressure: