Gillian Anderson Kieran Culkin Freak the Mighty [Rodman Philbrick on Amazon. FREE shipping on qualifying offers. Two boys a slow learner stuck in the body of a teenage giant and a tiny. Learning disabled and physically overgrown Max has no friends until a tiny and brilliant boy moves into the house next door. The two misfits forge a friendship that. The Giver Complete summary of Rodman Philbrick's Freak the Mighty. eNotes plot summaries cover all the significant action of Freak the Mighty. Hatchet Video Max and his new friend, Freak, whose birth defect has affected his body but not his brilliant mind, find that when they combine forces they ma Peter Chelsom directed this family film in the tradition of My Left Foot (1989). Charles Leavitt scripted this adaptation of the youngadult novel Freak the Mighty. Freak the Mighty has 36, 725 ratings and 3, 488 reviews. Dean said: Freak the Mighty is a tear jerking story about two total opposites that become best fri Freak the Mighty Summary Study Guide includes detailed chapter summaries and analysis, quotes, character descriptions, themes, and more. Outcasts join forces to conquer readers' hearts. Read Common Sense Media's Freak the Mighty review, age rating, and parents guide. Find great deals on eBay for freak the mighty book. eLearning with Freak the Mighty. This is an interactive learning site to correspond with the novel, Freak the Mighty, written by. Two boys a slow learner stuck in the body of a teenage giant and a tiny Einstein in leg braces forge a unique friendship when they pair up to create one. Books authored by Rodman Philbrick and including books written as W. Dantz, Chris Jordan and with coauthor Lynn Harnett Freak The Mighty Kindle edition by Rodman Philbrick. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note. Free summary and analysis of the events in Rodman Philbricks Freak the Mighty that wont make you snore. Elden Henson The Paperback of the Freak the Mighty by Rodman Philbrick at Barnes Noble. The Last Book in the Universe Castcredits plus additional information about the film FREAK THE MIGHTY the strange and wonderful adventures of Max and Kevin, a pair of oddball outsiders who combine their strengths to become 'Freak The Mighty. Rodman Philbrick The Outsiders Nov 21, 2012This is the heartwarming story of a unique friendship shared by two seventh grade boys, Kevin and Max. Kevin, afflicted with a rare physical disability. Max the Mighty Freak the Mighty is a young adult novel by Rodman Philbrick. Published in 1993, it was followed by the novel Max the Mighty in 1998. Harry Dean Stanton Struggling with Rodman Philbrick's Freak the Mighty? Check out our thorough summary and analysis of this literary masterpiece.