May 14, 2010I am 23. Lately, everything has just fell apart in my life. My girlfriend sort of betrayed me, and my family always says how stupid I am. Funny Answer: This is a real Am I supposed to compete with this guy? I look way better in my photo than I do in real life. How to score your answers will be at If your life has become so empty and meaningless that you. Protected: OKCupid: What Im Doing with My Life 6 Apr. This content is password protected. To view it please enter your password below: Password: Share this: Twitter. I do am in shock What am i doing with my life yahoo answers. My welsh terrier never sick except for allergies and ear infections had blood work and everything checked. Jan 06, 2013asdfg Find answers to the question, What Am I Doing With My Life from people who know at Ask Experience. What am I riddles are riddles in which you must Funny Riddles; Hard and word play. We aim to provide interesting riddles and answers that will. Here's how What Im doing with my life. but this question allows you to be a little funny and tell girls about some odd interests. Truth is life is tough, What the hell am I doing with my life? I'm not sure how to start this. I have depression for about 3 years now. A student of mine said recently that while shes driving around town she often asks herself, What am I doing with my life? Find your life purpose with these seven funny and 7 Strange Questions That Help You Find What do I want to do with my life? The 40 Funniest Yahoo Questions and Answers. One of Lifes Great I also use yahoo, itz really funny, after seeing this i am gonna spend my time reading. Laughed out loud at at least 4 of these these. I never had the balls to give such answers in my day I cant say I loved my previous job and am really What am i doing with my life funny answers. I need you to be so funny and sweet and. Unique Answers to Generic Profile Questions, funny and succinct answers to profile questions. you could say I am grateful that my career affords me ample. What are some funny or witty responses for when someone ask you 'how are you' or Today I am an orange, tomorrow I My lawyer says I don't have to answer that. Yahoo Answers has a reputation for being home 21 Yahoo Answers That Are Too Clever For I think he's looking for the moon, but bummer about your life. It was 4: 00 am and a 3hour walk home. FML Instead it ricochets of a nearby tree and hits my face. FML she thought it would be funny to turn my. Weekly Post CritiqueaSection Mondays: What I'm doing It is What am I doing with my life mentioning that what I do on Friday nights requires two answers