1 Lexis Advance Intellectual Property Library AIPLA Model Patent Jury Instructions The AIPLA Model Patent Jury Instructions are provided as general assistance for. Managing Intellectual Property online to current members of the Duke Law community through LexisNexis, Westlaw, and the Bloomberg BNA Electronic Library. Intellectual property refers to any intellectual creation, such as literary works (books, stories, poem, plays), artistic works (paintings, sculptures, drawings. Contact Our Customer Support between the hours of 8: 00 a. Contact Us Check out Lexis titles in Overdrive or read in your browser. HLS Me login required for remote access. Guest access is available onsite at the Law Library Libraries as Creatures of Copyright: Monopolies in intellectual property in a democracy The vast majority of copyrighted works in library collections were. Blogs edited by law professors, practitioners, and other experts on IP law can be very useful resources. A selection of blogs is provided here. Use the enhanced My Library Account (which offers an ezlogin option) to renew books, make fine payments, check hold status and suspend holds, save searches, save. The Intellectual Property Digital Library Web site provides access to intellectual property data collections hosted by the World Intellectual Property. warning: Creating default object from empty value in on line 33. GENERAL INFORMATION ON AMERICAN LAW. The two best sites on the Internet for general questions about American legal doctrine are FindLaw and the Legal Information. Intellectual property is vital to the business process. Knowing how to protect your idea, whether its an invention or a brand name, can save you a lot of time and. INTRODUCTION In the course of conducting their normal scholarly activities, University faculty, staff, other employees, and students add to the storehouse of. Learn more about intellectual property, trademarks and copyright. Use LegalMatch to find a lawyer and know how to protect yourself from infringement. The WIPO Library in Geneva contains a range of resources used in intellectual property research by delegates, academics etc. A patent for an invention is granted by government to the inventor, giving the inventor the right to stop others, for a limited period, from making. Navigate the critical issues and legal developments surrounding intellectual property with workflowbased. The University of Louisville respects the intellectual property rights of others and expects users to respect the intellectual property rights of others. EMPOWERING ACCESS TO KNOWLEDGE FOR GLOBAL IP LAW, BUSINESS AND POLICY PROFESSIONALS. NEW: Pictures of the Intellectual Property Library. Description Carnegie Mellon University Research Showcase @ CMU University Libraries University Libraries January 2007 Intellectual Property in Library Schools: A Proposal