We take a scientific look at the battle of the sexes. Are men and women as different as we think? On average how many words a day do men and women say. Some appropriate Battle of the Sexes questions include: What color is chartreuse a shade of (for men)? and What type of track are Grand Prix races held on (for women). Battle of the Sexes Game Ill be borrowing a few questions for a Battle of The Sexes party next weekend. Free Trivia Game for your Trivia Night Event Click here to answer this Trivia Question on Quiz Club! The event dubbed as the Battle of the Sexes took place during the 1998 Australian Open between Battle Of The Sexes Quiz Ask the For Her questions to the female partner making a note of the answers. Best Battle Quizzes Take or Create Battle Quizzes Trivia. Test yourself with battle quizzes, trivia, questions and answers. Battle of The Sexes: Season 1 trivia quizzes in our Television category. Play our quiz games to test your knowledge. Gender based trivia, Battle of the Sexes Quiz! Great quiz, long and a couple questions answer choices have more than one correct answer. The ultimate battle of the sexes! 20 multiple choice questions alternating between male and female oriented to settle the score. Men against Women in this battle for the Our Battle of the Sexes Date Night Each team rolls the die to know which type of question they are to answer. Transcript of Battle of the Sexes Trivia. Each team answers every question on their white boards Each question answered fully correct about the opposite sex. Start studying battle of the sexes, questions girls ask the guys. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Battle Of The Sexes 10 End of Quiz (Exam Mode) Number of questions: Changes are done, please start the quiz. Test your knowledge with our quiz. Topics Sex and Relationships Battle of the Sexes. Questions for the Boys Questions for the Girls What decade was Nicole Kidman born in? The 60s (1967) If someone asks for a Perrier. Find Battle Sexes Trivia Today. Shop Battle Sexes Trivia at Target. We usually mix in some trivia rounds that include questions that its unlikely that the opposite gender would know and throw Battle of the Sexes Questions. Free Battle Of The Sexes Quiz Download your free quiz now! In our battle of the sexes quizzes we offer 30 questions ranging from funny to intimate to ask each couple. Battle of the Sexes (2017) Trivia on IMDb: Cameos, Mistakes, Spoilers and more Prior to the start of your program, load the BATTLE OF THE SEXES PowerPoint (click here to download) ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS: (Just print these off if you need them) Can you name the answer using either the male clue or the female clue?