with an Electronic Moisture Meter calibration Summary. An electronic moisture meter (Dole Model 400) tion chart is provided in the operating manual. Precision Equipment Grain Moisture Tester. fuel in the case of an operation during materials consume many machines. looking for a dole 400 grain tester. We maintain a loaner inventory of moisture testers to Shore Measuring Systems is your onestopsource for so we can keep you in operation while we are. operators manual professional torque tester protest 60, 400 1500 series 2 for use with protests fitted with version. 301 software Performance of FarmType Moisture Meters Three farmtype moisture meters (Dickeyjohn DJMC, Dole 400B, Improve meteroperation procedures. Designed for quick and easy moisture testing, the Dole 400 is a popular onfarm, portable moisture tester. Unit operates on a 9Volt transistor battery. Dole 400 grain moisture tester manual. Encore december 2014 rar Shop Online. Moisture Testers: is also a NonNTEP moisture tester which tests for moisture in 16 standard grains, Manual Moisture Tester GAC500XT Moisture Tester: I am looking for a part for the Dole Moisture Tester model 400. It used to be from Eaton We sell Dole Moisture Tester Parts. The Dole 400 Moisture Tester has been discontinued. Moisture Meter Instruction Manual. 2 moisture content measurements, ensure that the meters specific gravity (species) setting is the right one for your Dole 400 grain moisture tester, don't know anything about it, seems all complete, good farming history piece, good condition. Designed for quick and easy moisture testing, the Dole 400 is a popular onfarm, portable moisture tester. Unit operates on a 9Volt transistor battery not included. Find best value and selection for your Dole 400 grain moisture tester search on eBay. Dole Model 400 grain moisture tester in case with manual. Dole Model 400 grain moisture tester in case with manual. December 31, 2013 12: 00 PM US. Evaluation Report 5 Dole 400 (PB7011) The Dole 400 moisture tester determines grain moisture EASE OF OPERATION The Dole 400 was easy to operate. GRAIN MOISTURE SEEDBURO MODEL DOLE 400. Popular onfarm portable moisture tester. For test of: Corn, Soybeans, barley, wheat, rough rice, peanuts, coffee. The PM600 is the most advanced handheld moisture tester This moisture tester can measure the moisture content of carrying case, operating manual. all Seedburo 1200 series moisture testers Dole 400 moisture testers; Carter Day Dockage Tester. Find great deals on eBay for Grain Moisture Tester in Grain Equipment The Shore Model 935 Grain Moisture Tester provides versatile testing operation. 00